Tuesday 15 July 2014

Model blocking_Sunyang shop

Original painting

3D model blocking

There are lots of shops and houses in the masterpiece - 'River of Wisdom'. I start with Sunyang shop because it is the biggest and most bustling shop in that masterpiece. Above is a 3D blocking of that building, used to give myself an idea about the relationship of the different buildings. The difficult thing is defining the boundaries of different buildings, because the masterpiece does not show the boundaries very clearly due to lots of reasons. 

I did some research about this shop and find several different versions of it. They are not 100 percent same with the original painting, but they still can give me some ideas. When i did this blocking, i compared the different versions and the original painting and study how the different buildings connect to each other.

Below are the different versions that i find.
Version 1

Version 2

Version 3

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